Google Code in Start

GCI Dec 10, 2015

Google Code-in is a contest to introduce pre-university students (ages 13-17) to open source software development. Since 2010, over 2,200 students from 87 countries have completed work in the contest.

Because Google Code-in is often the first experience many students have with open source, the contest is designed to make it easy for students to jump right in. Open source organizations chosen by Google provide a list of tasks for students to work on during the seven week contest period. A unique part of the contest is that each task has mentors from the organization assigned should students have questions or need help along the way.

Students choose tasks they wish to work on from the following categories: coding, documentation, training, outreach, research, quality assurance and user interface. Students earn prizes for their successful completion of the tasks.

I am one of the participants and i am doing task for Drupal a content management system .


Drupal is secure and great for use in creating websites

Phillip Llewellyn

I am an enthusistic person about robotics and Artificial Intelligence. I try to see the beauty and apply technologies to improve the quality of our life. I try to share my the knowledge I gain widley.

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