Minifying Android App

Internship May 30, 2017

The third task was one of my favorites. This task is similar to the second task as I did android development. The third task was to Created a much smaller and reliable version for the ganjagram android app . This app was created by Varun Baker from Develop Digitally . The Jamaica Ganja Law app main purpose is to provide information on the law in Jamaica regarding the possession and smoking of ganja(marijuana), use of ganja by persons of the Rastafarian faith, and use of ganja for medical, therapeutic and scientific purposes ,and The GanjaGram app purpose is to let visitors can now rely on a safe, secure and lawful way of finding out about ganja related experiences on the island.

  Jamaica Ganja Law by Ganjagram- screenshot thumbnail
  Jamaica Ganja Law by Ganjagram- screenshot thumbnail


The app which I updated was the the Jamaica Ganja Law app.  This app was very big causing it to consume great amount of space on the users phone. This is a problem because for an app like this having a small app is very convenient as it makes it possible for someone with minimal amount of space to install it. The app was ranging a size of over 100 Megabytes. The reason for the app having such a great size is because all the contents are packed into the apk . The advantage of this is people wouldn't need the internet to view the contents of this app.


In order to solve this problem which I'm faced with i have to use the new functions which i learnt in the previous task.

  • First we uploaded all the contents to they develop digitally web server
  • Due to the contents being online I now need to use the new skill which I learnt in the previous task to make the new updated app which i created to be able to fetch the information from the server and display it
  • This new feature allow the app to get approximately 10 times smaller at about 10 Megabyte
  • This new update of the app allow it to be far much smaller than before which therefore made it more convenient for users with little space
  • The only disadvantage to this app  is on the first run of the app the user will need to connect to the internet, and also will not display any content if the user delete the data loaded.

This new version of the app was much convenient and problem was solve. This made The Jamaican Ganja Law app much reliable than before and much user friendly. This task was finished successfully.

Phillip Llewellyn

I am an enthusistic person about robotics and Artificial Intelligence. I try to see the beauty and apply technologies to improve the quality of our life. I try to share my the knowledge I gain widley.

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