Summer Internship With Develop Digitally 2016

Last year summer was a very memorable experience for me. Unlike other students which may spend their summer playing games, travelling or visiting different relatives I spent mine at an internship with the company Develop Digitally.

The owner of the company is Mr. Varun Baker which is a well known software engineer and Web Designer which has created many well designed, functional and efficient website like LOOP and the Jamaica Open Data Portal. The company is known to Build website and phone application which are produced with best custom designs giving the customer great valued products with great timing and efficiency.

During the internship I have learnt a lot during the 3 months which i worked. I have improved my skill in Android app creation, using Drupal as a content management system for website designing and also transferring information using code from text to geo-jason. Throughout the time I had accomplished 9 tasks. They are:

  1. Tried on porting the slides module from drupal  7  to  8
  2. Started and finish the Maquiz application for android
  3. Created a much smaller and reliable version for the ganjagram android app
  4. Started and reach half the production for the nova lock android app
  5. Created a php code to convert from well known text to geo-json
  6. Imported data on to the St.Lucia open data portal which is created by Dkan
  7. Port a Drupal 6 website half the way from 6 -7
  8. Started and finished the Ez Sprintg Site android application
  9. Started and finished a Robot

In getting each of these task done it was not easy but it was very exciting because in order to accomplish them i would have to learn how to do something new, or fix a error which I see to look difficult at first.

I see this experience as hill, all throughout the time fixing problems and getting things done I have my times which things seem hopeless (At the bottom of the hill) and times when a rise quickly to the top where i solved a problems, ans also times when i fall and rise slowly up.  A summary of each task will be expounded in 9 following blogs.