Task # 1

Internship Apr 04, 2017

The first task i will be discussing on is, Porting of the Slides module from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8. This task was one which is yet to be finished as porting the slides module from Drupal 7 to 8 was a success but additional features that is needed so that it work with Drupal 8 as in 7 was needed.

The slides module is a very versatile and useful module which was inspired by reveal.js, that is an HTML Presentation Framework.


In getting this module across to Drupal 8 an extensive research was done on how to get this task done as efficiently as possible. In the end I found 2 methods. The first method which was attempted is the automated migrating software which did a really good job on getting over the main files for the module but it was not the best choice as the function of the module was nullified. Due to this occurrence I took the long way round which involve creating the files all from scratch and every function, setting or links. During this process it allowed me to learn and also appreciate the new and easy format of writing a Drupal 8 module than a Drupal 7. I found it to be more straight forward, flexible and easier to understand and manage. I Paused on porting the module due to developer's request on adding the features himself to work with Drupal 8.

Recently a module was found which has a Drupal 8 version similar to the slides module.

This task for me was a big jump for me in Drupal.[caption id="attachment_988" align="alignright" width="170"]


Eye opener[/caption]

Although I knew how a Drupal 8 module suppose to look and how it is made I didn't appreciate or understand how easier it made writing a Drupal 8 module and how flexible it can be .

Phillip Llewellyn

I am an enthusistic person about robotics and Artificial Intelligence. I try to see the beauty and apply technologies to improve the quality of our life. I try to share my the knowledge I gain widley.

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